Dear Valued Tenant,

I hope this message finds you well. At Brantford Native Housing, we are committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and well-maintained living environment for all our tenants. As part of this commitment, we want to remind you of the important role you play in the upkeep of your rental unit.

Maintenance: Please report any issues related to plumbing, electrical systems, heating, or structural integrity immediately. If you would like to contact our Maintenance staff to address any of these issues, please contact the following team members via email at [email protected] and [email protected]

Cleaning & Care: Regular cleaning and care of your unit are essential. This includes disposing of garbage properly, avoiding excessive wear and tear, and ensuring that your home is kept in a tidy and sanitary condition. This not only creates a more pleasant living environment but also helps in maintaining the property’s value.

Community Living: Living in a community setting involves mutual respect and cooperation. Please be mindful of noise levels, dispose of waste in designated areas, and maintain a respectful relationship with your neighbours. Together, we can create a harmonious living environment for everyone.

We appreciate your cooperation and diligence in these matters. By working together, we can ensure that our community remains a desirable place to live for all residents. Please click the following links to learn more about your rental upkeep:

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Looking for answers? Read our frequently asked questions below. If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to call our office directly.

  • I am in immediate need of housing; does BNH offer emergency housing?

    No. BNH does not provide emergency housing; tenants are selected on a first come first served basis according to the date they applied. The wait is dependent on which type of housing you are waiting for because we do have some affordable market rent units as well as subsidized units.

  • How do I update my application?

    You can call BNH and speak with the Community Relations Manager to provide updates and check your status on the waiting list. We cannot provide a precise time as to how long you will have to wait to be offered a unit, as the vacancy rate is unpredictable.

  • Can I call BNH to check the status of my application?

    Yes. Applicants can call and speak with the Community Relations Manager to ensure your application was received and processed.

  • If I am removed from the waitlist, can I get back on with an update?

    If you have been removed from the waiting list, you must re-apply and your application will be placed at the bottom of the list. The date of your re-application will be your new application date.

  • Will I be contacted before my application is removed from the waitlist?

    No. Any applicant who has not provided updates will be removed from the waiting list. BNH sends a reminder letter asking you to provide an update. Failure to respond to the letter will result in your name being removed from the waiting list.

  • How often should I update my application?

    To make sure your application remains active on our waiting list, you MUST contact BNH every six (6) months or immediately when your address, contact information or household size, composition or income has changed.

  • What if I have a complaint?

    Brantford Native Housing (BNH) respects the right of children, youth, adults, families and caregivers to be heard, informed and involved in decision-making in matters affecting them. In keeping with this, all clients of BNH’s programs and services have the right to grieve or complain about any BNH decisions impacting their lives.

    Clients will be informed of BNH’s grievance procedure as part of their orientation to Brantford Native Housing programs and services.

    Allegations of misconduct, poor practice, or violation of clients’ rights by BNH personnel are to be reported to the program supervisor without delay. Complaints of physical or sexual abuse of children are to be reported to the Children’s Aid Society, and where required, the police. All other complaints will be investigated by the Executive Director. Contact BNH at 519-756-2205